Although it is a very basic operation, the hardware implementation of the division algorithm is a difficult task. Unlike what happens in software, where there is already a division operator, a hardware division module must be done with even more elementary calculations.
A division operation can be defined and rewritten as follows:
Once x and y are known, a can be defined as:
Putting equation (2) into (1) we get the following expressions:
From equation (3) can be inferred that the quotient a can be calculated guessing one bit at a time in log2(x) iterations.
The division algorithm can be explained as follows: if x-(y << i)>0 at the i-th iteration then the i-th bit of ai is 1 and x = x-(y << i), otherwise ai = 0.
An illustrative example
As an example to illustrate how the division algorithm works, let's make x=36 and y=5, as can be seen in Table 1. Note that for i equals to 7, 6, 5, 4 and 3, x < (y << i) and ai = 0. For i=2, x > (y << i) and (y << i) is removed from x making x=16 and ai = 1. In the same way, for i=1, x=6 and ai = 1, and finally, when i=0, a reached the value 7 and x=1, that is itself the remainder of the division.
You want to test the algorithm? Check out the SystemVerilog implementation of divider module and its testbench:
module divider #(parameter NBITS = 8) (input logic [NBITS-1:0] A,B, input logic clock, reset, oReady, iValid, output logic iReady, oValid, output logic [NBITS-1:0]quotient, remainder); enum logic [1:0] {INIT, CALC, SEND} state; logic [(NBITS<<1)-1:0] A_aux, B_aux; logic [3:0]i; always_ff @(posedge clock)begin if(reset)begin i <= 0; A_aux <= '0; B_aux <= '0; quotient <= '0; state <= INIT; iReady <= 0; oValid <= 0; end else begin case(state) INIT: begin i <= NBITS-1; iReady <= 1; oValid <= 0; A_aux <= A; B_aux <= B; state <= CALC; end CALC: begin if(i < NBITS)begin if(A_aux >= (B_aux<<i))begin A_aux <= A_aux-(B_aux<<i); quotient[i] <= 1; end else quotient[i] <= 0; $display(i, quotient, A_aux); i <= i-1; end else begin remainder <= A_aux; state <= SEND; oValid <= 1; end end SEND: begin if(oReady)begin oValid <= 0; state <= INIT; end else state <= SEND; end endcase end end endmodule
`include "" parameter NBITS = 8; module top; logic clock, reset; logic [NBITS-1:0] A,B; logic [NBITS-1:0]quotient, remainder; logic iReady, iValid, oReady, oValid; enum logic {S1, S2} state; initial begin clock = 0; reset = 1; #20 reset = 0; end always #5 clock = !clock; divider #(NBITS) div(.*); always_ff @(posedge clock)begin if(reset)begin iValid <= 0; oReady <= 0; state <= S1; end else case(state) S1: begin A = 8'd123; B = 8'd11; iValid <= 1; oReady <= 1; if(iReady) state <= S2; end S2: begin if(oValid)begin $display(A,B,quotient, remainder); $finish(); end end endcase end endmodule
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